Greetings friends and backers! More good news for all of us. In the wee small hours we reached our stretch goal of £50,000! Thanks so much, particularly to recent donors, who got us over the line on Day 8 of the project. Happy days!

What is the PLIQO bag for women about? Well, as we say here in London: it does what it says on the tin. Like it’s big brother, it will be compact, effective, practical and distinctive.

If you want to know more about my early thoughts, have a quick look at the video. It is 36 seconds.

A Kickstarter Community Project

What does this mean? From a product development perspective, we will be building the PLIQO bag for women as a Team. And I am going to be inviting backers who are interested in the project to work closely with me to develop the aesthetics and features they want.

What happens next? I am working on the details, but essentially, I will develop a short online survey. This will go out to pledgers of every stripe, a few days before the end of the campaign. To thank backers who complete the survey, I will comp all participants with a modest gift. Keep your eyes peeled for this one!

Although I am knackered (see video for details) I am also genuinely humbled by the number of backers and supporters who have reached out to offer help. Thanks to all of you for your comments on the board.

Equerry is one such early supporter who reached out to Team PLIQO.

So now I’m going to shout out for Equerry, whose campaign is nearly over the line. Another triumph of British design, their motorised shoe brush – like the PLIQO bag – is perfect for those of us who like to ‘look’.

Talking of looking, have a butchers at their campaign page.

Or simply read on.

Equerry is the world’s only USB rechargeable Shoe Shining Device, featuring an inbuilt polish reservoir

The unique, hand-held shoe polisher has a patented design, deployed unrivalled British design and engineering expertise.

An uncompromising approach to innovation and quality make for an accessory that delivers perfect results, time-after-time. The Equerry and the PLIQO complement each other perfectly, and are ‘must have’ accessories for those who like to ‘look sharp’.


The rather excellent Equerry
The rather excellent Equerry

Thanks again – and wishing all of you a peaceful evening!

Patrick and everyone at team PLIQO