We’ve made great progress at team PLIQO over the two months since our last update.
Our crowdfunding video is now complete – it’s deliberately tounge-in-cheek, and an eminently watchable 41 seconds long. Do have a look here in the News section of the site, and if you have any thoughts, do let me know. We are hoping to complete production of the full crowdfunding video during the course of August and September. Many thanks to multi-talented director Aeron Jones at Studio Briobolt for his unstinting patience with and enthusiasm for this part of the project – he also put together a short section of the soundtrack.
Good news on the product development front too – we have received our first factory-made sample from a supplier in the Far East. While this is in pretty good shape already, we’re in the process testing and making last minute tweaks to ensure that we come to market with an absolutely outstanding product.
To coincide with the launch of the website, we’re also creating some old fashioned promotional ‘marketing collateral’ – and specifically, a neat folding business card holder made in the image of the signature PLIQO folding garment bag. We think they’re going to be very smart – and look forward to featuring these in our next update. Thanks here to star designer Gonçalo Diniz for his dedication to getting the artwork ‘just so.’
With the website and print collateral in place, we’re looking forward to going out to UK-based retailers with our idea, just as soon as the summer holidays are over. Without doubt, getting the attention of these much-in-demand buyers is going to take energy and application. We’ll let you know how it goes.
Finally, more good news on the business front – we have strategic advisor Sean Henry on board. Sean is a serial entrepreneur and brings long experience of the bag industry to the project. Among recent accomplishments, he has been steering the ‘Pictar’ – a DSLR-like iPhone grip – to market, with the help of a substantially oversubscribed Kickstarter campaign. If you have a couple of minutes, do have a look at the very impressive campaign page here.
If you’d like to know more about the PLIQO folding garment bag, please don’t hesitate to contact the team. As I’ve said before, this project has always been built on feedback from potential consumers – and if you have anything you’d like to share with the team – we’d love to hear from you.
contact: email@pliqobag.com
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